London Chemicals & Resources Limited (LCR) is proud to represent RS Bruce in relation to recovery of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) from Nitric Acid plants
RS Bruce is the world’s leading specialist in recovering PGMs from Nitric Acid and other chemical plants. With over 35 years’ experience and more than 700 successful clean downs completed, RS Bruce has to date recovered over USD2 bn worth of Palladium, Platinum and Rhodium from clients’ plants.
RS Bruce offers both non-destructive and destructive clean downs of Nitric Acid plants. Non-destructive clean downs of operational plants use mild chemicals and non-aggressive techniques, specially developed by RS Bruce and extensively tested to ensure safe yet optimal recovery of lost PGMs. Non-destructive clean downs usually take place during scheduled maintenance shut downs in order to avoid disruption to client’s production schedules. Clients benefit from an RS Bruce clean down not only by recovering lost PGMs, but also through improved heat exchange efficiency.
Destructive cleaning of decommissioned plant components is also offered. This can recover 100% of PGMs retained within those components.
RS Bruce uses a wide range of technologies and equipment to recover metals including: Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Iridium, Ruthenium, Gold, Silver, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Titanium, Nickel and Copper from a variety of industrial residues such as Process Residues, Sludges, Filter Cakes, Filter Media, Activated Carbon, Diatomaceous Earth & Ion Exchange Resins, Filter Cartridges and Papers, Cathode Plates, Gauzes, PGM Coated Mesh, Shot Blast Wastes and Overspray from PGM Coating, Turbine Blades and Vanes, PPE & Workwear, Lab Smalls, Samples, Filter Papers, Filter Media, Plant and Equipment, Sweepings and Residues from Process Labs, Buildings, Concrete Floors, Wall Coverings and Roof Spaces, Furnace Slag, Refinery Slag, Flue Dust and Sweepings, Dentistry and Medical Wastes, Jewellery Scrap, Floor Sweeps, Electronic Equipment and Specialist Components and Connectors, Raschig rings and Support Structures from Nitric Acid Plants.
Please contact LCR to discuss how we can help you to recover your lost PGMs.